Saturday, August 30, 2014

yeah that

B California sluchilsa I have a cheap hotel, a lot of stars and the price is ridiculous. The hotel predpolagalsa complimentary breakfast buffet unpretentious. But is not me at once. In assuring the hotel from 5 to 7 pm was ... alcoholic buffet !!! 4 kinds of wine, several varieties caterersearch of cocktails, beers 4 without any restrictions. Zakuson a bucket of crackers prilagalsa. Beginner remember what happened after 7mi pm (sklulpturnaya group "kupayuschiesa mermaid" began to spin slowly caterersearch around me somewhere in the RANS 6ti) but at 5, I started with a Bloody Mary.
yeah that's what makes a man a freebie. I once lived in the same hotel in Minnesota. Assortement booze was certainly smaller, but fortunately there was no limit Redneck .. drank and women and aged, toilet was certainly zablevali.
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