Monday, August 18, 2014

Also, it makes sense to introduce penalties for the immediate superior officer caught. That manager

Business Management | Catering In order for theft had no chance, the restaurant should be a clear accounting system, strictly fixed number of staff rules and control system established.
To prevent fraud waiters with accounts must strictly forbid bartenders and chefs begin to release orders not received the check. Employees should be aware that in case of an order made without a check will be automatically equated with evil, and thus entail dismissal. Such a measure may seem harsh and even bring some trouble svh establishment, but it is necessary that employees knew that the inevitable punishment and applies to all equally.
Also, it makes sense to introduce penalties for the immediate superior officer caught. That manager did not follow, that he controlled the bartender pours drinks svh without a check must bear severe punishment because he or conspiring with him, or bad the job done - and that, and another bad. So when the manager will know in advance that if you do not just get fired bartender, but his most deprived monthly salary, it will be much more closely monitor the actions of employees.
Some institutions, including big chains, such as introduced: the tables are ads that urge guests to claim the manager of the cases when the waiter brings them filled by hand check. This measure is generally effective, but questionable svh in terms of the image of the institution: it turns out that restaurant so guests recognized that its staff steals - in fact, that the restaurant svh is no longer in force to deal with this theft - and invites visitors help. But if you really want to enter this additional way to combat theft and intimidation of employees must be based on the level of institution: in an expensive restaurant that in no case can not be done, and the network pizzeria or café - possible.
One way to identify stolen - to organize the so-called base. That is, through nominees to create a situation in which you can provoke theft. Suppose dummy visitor once paid for the account, allegedly says he wants a couple of cups of coffee, the waiter gives cash in hand and says, well, hurry. This living uncontrolled money is to just pour coffee, bypassing the cashier. Depending on the size of establishment can come up with a number of false situations. Although it is artificially created by theft, it is very significant: if a person is locked svh out to steal, he will take advantage of the situation - if not, then it is time to be thought that this option svh exists.
The waiters and managers can steal, punching strangers or fake discount svh cards. To prevent this, we must first of all, to limit the possibility of issuing these cards. That manager should be allowed to distribute their guests at their discretion - to be clear criteria: great score, a regular customer, vip-guests, etc.. Manager should be allowed to keep them in their own - they must be either your system administrator, or accountant or other staff units, reporting directly to the director or owner. Everyone, who proposed svh map should get the form, where it will leave your address and telephone, and in which the manager must specify the reason for getting the card. Each form should be signed by a director or owner of the restaurant, on the basis of which a third party - say, an accountant - call the specified telephone questionnaire and tell the guest that his discount card ready and he can drive and pick her up.
Each month, the manager must provide svh to the Director a report on discounts, which will be clearly seen that the number of times the visitor took the card and got a discount amount. All large sums and frequent discounts should be checked if the director sees that a man 10 times during the month dined on large amounts and receive great discounts, it must next time personally acquainted with this guest and check whether it exists in fact. If this is a real person, the personal acquaintance of a regular customer, which is often many orders in a restaurant, never hurts. Guests who regularly svh have large discounts in the restaurant, to be invited to any events or holidays - except increase loyalty, it will give the director the opportunity svh to witness svh these people. svh
As for working the bar, it should be monitored in this way. Every day change manager (the person who understands this, and not, say, an accountant or cashier) svh should verify actual product residue in a bar - all key positions of alcohol (such as vodka, whiskey, gin, rum, etc.) and accidentally taken some positions, and compare svh them with the report svh number bar.
The greater svh the interval between checks, the more opportunities voruyuscheho bartender traces, dokupyvshy lacking alcohol, etc.

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