Wuppertal is located between Dusseldorf and Dortmund sandwich restaurants in the 18th and 19th century it was one of Europe's sandwich restaurants largest centers of industrialization, I wrote "it was" when in fact the city was formed in 1929 as a result of association Nearby cities of Elberfeld and Barmen. United Vupera town called Valley (German - Wuppertal), it was in the valley Vuper they are, Wuppertal and was one of the few cities in Germany line that still elongated along the river. Elberfeld and Barmen Wuppertal areas are now connected outboard tram (described in the next post) and rail, and they are still slightly different: 1 Let's start with Elberfelda, because here is the main station average unylosti 2. An electric railway Stadler Flirt, sandwich restaurants where I arrived from Dortmund. She goes to the Dutch border town of Venlo, so called Yevrobanom 4 Wuppertal is located relatively close to flat as a board of the Netherlands, and in general in my view in Germany mountains on the south and completely flat in the north. However, the second time I get to that part of West Germany that breaks this pattern. Elbersfeld not only flat but also somewhat reminiscent Fener district of Istanbul 5 Here can check out climb 8 As in Germany for ymenuvannya streets meet KO, this street sandwich restaurants is called high: In addition, the region, the main center Wuppertal which is called Mountain land (Bergisches Land), which implies that outside it really is flat. 9 Modern architecture without refinement, but all sorts of details of happy 11 Or zakosom antique 12 Houses of stone plitochek owned by very wealthy men and preserved sandwich restaurants the bartender 13 Here in this house, for example, born Friedrich Engels 14 But I came here for quite different: this building is part of the museum complex, which includes Friedrich Engels House and Museum early industrialization. On Monday, bitch, does not work. Well, I'm deliberately chose to visit Wuppertal, Cologne and not because in chocolate museum on Monday does not work, and that can be Cologne without chocolate? Check Opening hours industrialization, I forgot: Well, then, with Cologne have to visit Wuppertal once again and not Monday. 15 And again Bartender 16 back to Elbersfelda. Interestingly, the West German residential architecture sandwich restaurants aesthetically better sandwich restaurants for East German. Sloping roof, even in high-rise buildings: While on the functionalist perspective sloping roof for anything not needed, and apartments on the roof floor (Dachgeschoß, in ads - DG) traditionally cheaper because they do not live very comfortably. But looking very nice when the eye sees the surface of the roof. 17 Who has read this far - well done. Now would be a little sandwich restaurants detail, because I too lazy to write another post. Advertising a car painted like pativen. It says "vaynzatsvaґen", a play on the words "Wine" (wine) and "aynzatsvaґen" (actually, pativen): tics is noticed the license plate. sandwich restaurants In Germany, you can not use arbitrary word for room, first one or two letters always denote code: easier to feed myentam who came from where. But here they were lucky to Wuppertal and its code W. 18. Feature Wuppertal - a neon signs. In the rest of Germany unless sandwich restaurants they are matched in the red light district. And then around the city a lot of them for some reason: This is driving. Interestingly matched neon sign even where unnecessary lights at night. sandwich restaurants 23 On the night city, I could not see how these signs are lit: Somehow humanity from neon refused, although that could be more beautiful by neon at night? Well, light pollution, yet. 24 Half of the media in Germany called "HHHdoyche Zeitung". That is: 25 Always hated mechanical watches sandwich restaurants for their failure to report as accurately time now. In Wuppertal I saw a clock. Without the arrows, while showing numbers - Fiction: Well tics hour was 15th, not the third, but then this stuff is sort of a clock advertising clock shop nearby, which also houses a museum of watches, something that works only on Saturday. FAQ. Well, time to go home: This train goes second with two single lines in Germany, where the train reaches a speed of 300 km / h. The first - a line Nuremberg-Ingolstadt, which I traveled many times, but this ride for the first time, a line Cologne-Frankfurt airfield. Who read dosyudy: And in Wuppertal (ie a Elberfeldi) sandwich restaurants was established firm Bayer, which are sold world-famous medications like aspirin and heroin (it was cough medicine): public domain sandwich restaurants / Wikipedia
2013-10-07 11:43 (UTC)
2013-10-07 12:27 (UTC)
Tags bavaria, bullshit, ciekawostki, cultures, done, first entry, gadgets, graphic design, sandwich restaurants humans, humour, krakow, kyiv, languages, linux, museums, news, public transport, road safety, science, travel, ukrainian, fucking borders useful tips, art, memories
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