Thursday, October 24, 2013

The day before we went to the open houses in Winchester. One house we loved - very well. Everyone c

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Private schools, councils gap template - went with colleagues for lunch, we were talking about schools, splash bar everything! except one (who has three children) said that their children already in private schools, or they think much about it / plan. *** In Schindler's List is the scene: a Jewish girl says the chief end-of-camp that they are properly built building, the foundation is poor, and she graduated as an engineer University of Milan. He immediately ordered to kill her, saying, "I'm not going to have arguments with these people." After being shot in the head, he says, "Take it down, repour it, rebuild it, like she said." Why is it sometimes so eager to act as this fascist - I'm even willing to follow the advice, but to argue with you about it (admit that sensible advice, and, therefore, to recognize the wrongfulness) is much more complicated. *** If I were a sultan, it would have established themselves small personal think tank, so I said, in what direction to dig, and they have studied and researched - on social issues. I wonder, are there any services where you can ask to do some research, using strictly public goods / google, and pay by the piece / hour, a la Mechanical Turk? For example, you do want to do some research on the topic of changing the conditions of admission splash bar to the best universities - are now harder to do than it was 20 years ago? the expense of whom changed their enrollments (nearly 2-3 times)? take a smaller expense of a greater emphasis on early action? And that MIT says that they have in the last 10 years, selectivity increased from 16% to 8% - at the expense of what? Actually, on many topics splash bar of the day I would like to do a mini-research - from health splash bar care in the developed world to the effect that armed population (and bans such) by the number of murders, broken down by state. I do not think that's true - that is, for the first time in the history of mankind can be handed touch, but it also seems that too few who do ... On the other hand, there are lies, damn lies, and statistics.
Very sleepy me and a bunch of cases. But that's not a bad start aggregation on to one of your questions: kblog/wp/2012/12/14/nine-facts-about-gun s-and-mass-shootings-in -the-united-state s / A for college selectivity, we have now of baby exo from Boom normal social wave. Places in institutions assuring strong no more. In the meantime, our alma mater has long been a policy of rashireniem base in her feed - so they raised the percentage of students in the institution, due to the fact that deliberately splash bar settles in the head more people thought that they should try to file. At the same standards for admission does not go down, just select the base rashiryaetsya.
Yeah, I saw this article, so I would have something like this is just me much more interested in what kind of data. More precisely, I have a few hypotheses, we would like them to check on the data. About institutions - there are several factors. In particular, MIT writes At MIT, Schmill said that another reason the admittance rate is at a record low is because the institute's yield rates, or number of accepted students who choose to enroll, have been increasing. About the baby boom also somehow not wealthy - MIT says that enrollments from 2003 to 2008th increased from 10K to 16K. Yes, they increased splash bar the base, well done. Question - and the rest that? The same thing or not? But for that we need tsiferki and tsiferki and no, (
I was just reading an article (typical splash bar of me, no longer remember where ...), that tangentially mentioned splash bar a consulting firm (btw, somehow tied in with Google - as in, Google "people / HR / social research group", don 't remember their name, used this consulting firm) that does a similar kind of social / psychological / behavioral research and analyzes it using powerful (they all say that, haha, "powerful") stats / probabalistic / "anaytics" methods. Analytics! Some kind of that name for the Google group (yes, am too lazy to google this right now ...). Anyway, the reason I remember this at all is because I was daydreaming about working for a such a consulting firm / group ... I can use "powerful" methods :) (seriously, that annoys me, calling analyses "powerful") And hell, I have a degree in behavior.
The day before we went to the open houses in Winchester. One house we loved - very well. Everyone came out and said "here in this could live." In Winchester wonderful city schools. In the study in this house we saw a basket of brochures for parents of students in our school over the past few years :). Then he stopped just out of interest to see the house for almost three million in the same Winchester. There's a lot of rooms, and judging by the photos, the family living there five de

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