Saturday, March 14, 2015

Russia has for a long time or do

Carpet - this thing is ancient and very helpful. This will allow you to reduce by 10% the cost of heating the assumption saves our backs are against the excessive loads and the ears from excessive noise. It is well worth the investment. But most importantly - it shapes the space and the dictates catering service of their own style.
Carpet is essentially creating a warm, came to us from no less warm in the Arab countries of the world. First of all, he was the subject of a utilitarian household goods. It was invented by the ancient nomads. There was a peripatetic life, he just needed. Carpet cloth gathered and strengthened skeleton кибитки. The carpet was a door, floor, comfy bed and a place for prayers. It made a wall of bags that replaced cabinets, chests and even suitcases.
Born in the old carpet believe Персию, it is today's Iran. The Persians catering service did not know how to weave carpets are still the era of Cyrus the Great Head of the 500's. before the birth of Christ. Persian counsel then has created catering service the most expensive in the history of the carpet Сасанидского King Хосроя. The patterns are depicted him the king's garden: flower beds, вытканные silk flowers, precious stones and самоцветов separated from the runway, embroidered with gold thread and the channels of crystal. Iran and today - the world's largest carpet, handmade. And this is not surprising: furniture Iranian homes a little, here is a key element of a carpet catering service for home decor. There is a saying: "The Iranians throw your wealth, on the floor." Ковровую honor of Iran today disputed India, Pakistan, Nepal and China. But Persian carpets to remain comparable. From the Persian carpet has moved won them the illiterate Arabs. During this time, the Persian carpet disappear catering service images of people and animals (Islamic faith does not allow), 'is a vegetable ornament. Where illiterate Arabs in the Persian carpets loves that not only did they decorate them in your home, but your style расписывали wall. The Arabs preferred to sit on carpets, and slept on a carpeted and silk tissue оттоманкой. So on'ilmus Moorish style, раскинувшийся India before the Spanish. By the way, Spain was the first European country which has learned how to create rugs. Quantity carpet the house revealed the ancient East Welfare seitse'd.
Мерили a number of well-being in Europe and the fact that the existence of at least one of the carpets of them. True, the carpet has been able to wade here XI. At the time of the Crusades East Christians are simply catering service amazed by the luxury of its decoration of palaces "infidels." Pretty soon, the European castles kam'puidust walls have become close carpeted. Carpet has become a major element of the fashion style of the novel, a sign of outrageous luxury affordable for nearly everyone феодалам.
If you had to replace романском of Gothic, carpets fell tile floors house the medieval nobility. They remained on the walls, and where they had not been decorated in vibrant painted. The most beloved French carpets. Those days, the French know a lot of money spent to buy a Persian carpet. To save the treasury, the European masters of the organization of King Henry IV was the captain of a rug. 1604 Dupont opened a workshop in Paris N'jer catering service Савоннери. Splurge this old мыловаренные, hence the name (Savon in French - "Soap"). catering service Carpets Савоннери изготавливались only for the purpose of these pictures were the greatest artists of the time. Style Савоннери is still living, now actively proliferating, India, Pakistan, China and even Iran.
With the advent of the Napoleonic style ампир designed to glorify catering service him, the European champions started to create rugs with a luxurious catering service "имперскими" images. Full sense of ornament Persian carpets have been replaced by lush floral bouquets, and a huge династическими гербами бордюрами.
Russia has for a long time or do 'tied up and cast, but a real carpet live here in times of Peter I. On царскому Decree of 1716. a. Jakob Лефорт придворные organized catering service workshops. Of course, the most beautiful and exquisite handmade carpet belonged to the Emperor: silk tufted most exciting hunting. Silk carpets adorned with gold and silver thread, adoptive покои Moscow Large Кремлевского palace chambers. Peter I of Russia even commissioned renowned French master of the city Бове that has created this equestrian portrait of the carpet.
Before the revolution in Russia in every home had a carpet-income, and sometimes none. These выстилали catering service парадные покои, bedrooms and treatment rooms. The carpet was обов'kohustuslik attribute of the bride's catering service dowry. Then came 1917. пролетариат power, порицавших catering service not only abundant, but even in abundance, the carpet is not, however, refused. And кирзовые catering service boots, workers 'and soldiers' well-потоптали carpets proud aristocratic homes.
During the Soviet time in our country rug valued no less than the Middle Ages in Europe. He is a symbol of wealth and style. Soviet citizens lined up in a huge queue to buy this symbol. Today, the queue lining carpet salesmen. You can buy a silk carpet, like Грановитій ward or carpet wool, like the Persian palace that nothing is ordinary acrylic or nylon or something extravagant in the spirit of the test specimen сюрреалистов. When choosing a carpet, catering service it is important to decide the general design of the room where you want it placed. catering service
Ампир and Baroque impossible without catering service a traditional oriental rug pattern. Their ko

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