Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Finally, cause photos to a public album Picas

Finally, cause photos to a public album Picas'oje. catering roma Over a thousand is committed to select the best. Everything can be seen here: tried to define the distance traveled Europe map. Looked at from the top looks modestly :) journey through the 12th European countries consumed exactly 150 d. Numyniau total of 6419 km. During the Swedish, Norwegian and French numyniau mountains and steep climb of about 2000 km, the rest of the distance traveled oblivious plains. catering roma The daily average of 100 km tread. Daily average speed always remained stable around 18 km / h. 1900 EUR spent on the road. Food spend an average of 8 eur / d. Ferries, trains and buses spent about EUR 300 campsites - 190 eur (camping price Avg. 7.5 eur / day), Chamonix Hostel - 90 eur (18eur catering roma / day), bicycle parts - 100 eur. During the trip was changed three tires, two cameras, a few spoke, two pairs of brake pads, four circuits, the shifting cable. In addition to these costs have not had any other losses and losses, I brought back everything they took home. Journey catering roma I realized that while traveling in northern Europe even in summer it is necessary to have a very good outfit catering roma and a tent from the rain. Start of the trip I was determined to four main objectives: a) within Scandinavia and the Benelux countries to meet France b) the work of the French vineyards c) improve the English catering roma language d) to find a job in France in the mountains for the winter does not reach the single goal of a job in the mountains, lack of success. To sum up experiences and impressions, I say unequivocally that their bike is cheaper, more pleasant, more interesting and better in every way otherwise. Traveling long distances cycling is not much, can constantly feel exclusive. Travelling by bike sometimes can be very extreme pursuits such. week in the rain or when driving through the mountains. This way of traveling well harden and learned to distinguish between what is important and it does not matter when traveling. I learned to live without too much desire, easily, to live on the road easier than in the city. :) Have a plan for next year circled around the Iberian Peninsula, you will get about 7000 km. I prefer to go on this journey is not one. Spring :) find partners.
09.10.24-25. A trip to Lithuania Statistics catering roma Route: Bern (Switzerland) - Vilnius (Lithuania) Distance: ~ 2,000 km Max. speed: 110 km / h running time: 32 hours Total Distance traveled: 6419 km excitement. Saturday morning at 5:30 pm. two floodlight pasisviesdamas susipakavau items. Around there was thick fog, the tent was drenched through, and the mood perfectly. We started from the camp to see Berne to himself only as much spotlight illuminates, the environment was blind darkness. I knew few who arrived yesterday from the center. Suburb streets are empty and quiet, just ran into the central part of the machine and I met a few girls ... orbited in bicycles !!! 6 in the morning, unreal !!! :) :). City were thick fog, air temperature +6, goat images were awesome. Girl ahead of me cycling, markets traders Organize your goods, Tustin morning tram, youth grizinejantis is "tusovki", Bern was awesome. When you come to Ecolines station half an hour before. Met a fellow traveler, there were only three :). All nerimavom for timely nepasirodziusio bus. Had come 6:45. I was late for a full hour. Waiting for pasalt and had to return to Lithuania Thoughtful options if the bus would not appear. Did not warrant another variant, 8 pm I was sitting on the bus, waiting for me 32 hours a trip to Lithuania. Journey I met with Lithuanian living in Switzerland, isgerem beer. Good sleep at night. In the morning, had to watch Ruke plagued Poland. Ran into Lithuania images catering roma nensutebino I expected to meet here in the rain and fog. After leaving in early February, and comes back late autumn, leaving was nice and warm, coming back ... and here's what bepridursi :). This time allowance is made for very embarrass catering roma him, I knew what comes back. Calvary, Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda finally ... my station. Well familiar images, nothing has changed, it seems that the time to stop off here. Charged in a two-wheeler leave of bus drivers catering roma and parents move back home. Parents do not know that I go back in the morning, I wrote that I would be in France until Tuesday, I wanted to make a surprise. Inverts the Wheel aiskteje freedoms, we pass the bayou, takes several shots. Along the way, cycling aficionados agree vaziuojanti there where I start a conversation, we talk about bikes, almost to accompany me home. Happy to be back. 9:10:23. Trip to Switzerland statistics catering roma routes: Albertville (France) - Bern (Switzerland) Distance: 52 km Max. speed: 32 km / h running time: 3 hours Total Distance traveled: 6403 km excitement. Friday had to start the day in the dark and rain. I woke up 7 hours, enough to realize the arrival i Bern'a planning. I did everything maximize the potential of time. Everything catering roma has been calculated, organized and done without errors :) he had to leave at 9:30. Already starting to think maybe I i '

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