Sunday, February 22, 2015

About Bhutan can tell a lot, but should start from the fact that it

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- Bhutan. buffet colonial The Dragon Kingdom of Prayer ", published in the Indian publishing house" Timeless. " This is a book about Bhutan, griaudžiančio dragon country. 1976. read Michel Peisselio Mustang kingdom; still lived in the Soviet gulag, but I began to dream - in the next life there fearful. Mode, as is well known, at the time was ugly, no hope, but when it failed, already in 1999. I was there in October and, thank God, even in this life. For the first time in Hungary won a scholarship ($ 5,000), for the money and I got to the Kingdom of Bhutan. I worked for nineteen days, it was a divine time.
About Bhutan can tell a lot, but should start from the fact that it's really a feudal country. At that time it was not even on the prison (now there are one or two, modern, top of the hill). Prisoners, buffet colonial as in the Middle Ages, it was bound in chains, but quite cheerful. Primal impression was strong, although the Himalayas (Tibet, Nepal, India, Ladakh and elsewhere) I have already spent ten years; buffet colonial shocked, surprised, took pictures like crazy. After two years, again purposefully drove there, and in 2007. a group of businessmen asked that palydėčiau. Bhutan to religious temples, tourists are not allowed, guarded religious peace and prayer. Budapest Buddhist College, where I work sometimes, I received a recommendation request - the chief cleric of the Kingdom of Bhutan has given permission to enter the monasteries as a Buddhist practitioner, and the people with me were able to get there - come, be, meditate, pray. Total in the country took a photograph of one and a half month. During this time the king has changed - at the age of fifty-four, the son of the kingdom transferred the helm, now is the fifth king. Kingdom buffet colonial of Bhutan quite young, in 2008. she was a hundred years old, and then only as Vilnius was released Lithuanian version of this book, for the fifth king Vangčuko coronation. And Delhi Publishers 'Timeless' recently released publication realize luxury worldwide.
- Yes, on the so-called ivory paper, a special stretchy, especially suitable for photographs. It is already available in bookstores and Bhutan buffet colonial itself, as well as in Nepal, India and others. There still are attracted to return to work, you might do the second part.
What is special about Bhutan? This is now the last kingdom in the Himalayas; before that, even when I was working, it was the Mustang kingdom, monarchic kingdom of Nepal, 2007. Maoists abandoned it - transformed into a socialist republic in Nepal. The Kingdom of Bhutan is still feudal, although the young king is a graduate of Harvard, he is now about thirty years old, he is trying to reform. State feels great Indian influence, but not just assume vassal buffet colonial part because China red gladly swallows it like Tibet, so you need to take out.
Bhutanese territory than half of Hungary - 47 000 square kilometers, buffet colonial less than a third of Lithuania. Bhutan there are very interesting architectural arrangement - Dzong. Most of them build the sixteenth century., And was built in the eighteenth century. There are a few new ones. Even before Dzong was built of wood, but they did not survive, was destroyed by fire and enemies. Mountain conditions from all sides rather harsh neighbors buffet colonial - Tibetans tried to conquer Bhutan 150-200 years ago, when he was still outside the kingdom, and several principalities, but they come together buffet colonial and stopped. Called Dzong monastery, which is also a stronghold. So come together in one building the three institutions - the temple, monastery and administration, who would be in a European mayor's office, to which the peasants come to pay taxes. 11-15 meters from the ground goes thick stone fortress walls - like the lower part of the Trakai Castle, and the top - a monastery. It is home to 300 to 400 monks, sometimes even more. This album is the biggest and the Bhutanese Dzong - Tongsa, 350-meter-long building. Europe such an impressive and long structures will not see.
- As a free Tibet - a tenth. Tibet against Chinese occupation were 6 million inhabitants, monks - 600 thousand. Bhutan - about 60-70 thousand monks. They have excellent facilities, buffet colonial they are dependent villages, of which the monks come from. The total is 18-19 Dzong, a few newer, built 50-60 years ago - in the northern buffet colonial and eastern Bhutan. Some rebuilt from the ruins, they have modern. Let Bhutanese Embassy building in Delhi also looks like a temple. In addition, the ordinary citizen can not come to Dzong not dressed in national costumes. Men are required to wear a scarf on her shoulder - is determined by the color of the scarf status.
- Nobles, if I'm not mistaken, wearing a pale blue; others - yellow. Farmers - white, gray. There prevails in strict order, diligently complied doctrine. However, buffet colonial in the current and V

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