Friday, May 30, 2014

I got news for you, Mike, we had a sin problem even when God was in the schools and the community, a

We already crowned Mike Huckabee douche bufe of the week for defending the Boy Scout ban against gays, but now he’s going for a twofer by professing his love for marriage-equality-hating Chick-fil-A. On Sunday, bufe the former politico and Baptist preacher announced bufe on his Facebook page that he was organizing a Chick Fil-A Appreciation Day,
The goal is simple: Let s affirm a business that operates on Christian principles bufe and whose executives are willing to take a stand for the Godly values we espouse by simply showing up and eating at Chick Fil-A on Wednesday, bufe August 1.
Too often, those on the left make corporate statements to show support for same sex marriage, abortion, or profanity, but if Christians affirm traditional values, we re considered homophobic, fundamentalists, hate-mongers, and intolerant.
We don t have a crime problem, or a gun problem, or even a violence problem. What we have is a sin problem. And since we ve ordered God out of our schools and communities, bufe the military and public conversations, you know, we really shouldn t act so surprised when all hell breaks loose.
By:            Dan Avery On:            Jul 24, 2012 Tagged: chick-fil-a , Facebook , Fox News , gay marriage , Mike Huckabee
Everyone go to the page and report it as hate speech or offensive – maybe the automated FB filters will take it down if there are enough complaints, like what happens to our pages when they mark them as offensive.
Though it has been reported as not being in response to Huckabee, I have seen something going around Facebook about people having a same-sex kiss day at Chick-Fil-A on Friday August 3. Might be interesting to see if anything becomes bufe of it.
As I trust we all know Huckabee — and his entire family have had “weight issues.” Therefroe I hope he and his eat all the Chick-fil-a they can chow down a la “La Grande Bouffe.”
Here’s some breaking news, Mike; You don’t have to be categorized into the left of the political spectrum to recognize the humanity in stepping up for someone’s civil right to marry their partner. To support “traditional marriage” is simply a sugar-coated way of saying “I don’t know any gay people, bufe and even though I don’t give a shit about them, I don’t want them to get married because I’m an hateful, ignorant person”.
I got news for you, Mike, we had a sin problem even when God was in the schools and the community, and all hell was breaking loose long before bufe you came along and it will continue to do so long after you’re gone. Shit happens, and it’s not because two people of the same sex love each other and want to live in a committed relationship and all that goes with it. Hard as it is for you to believe, mayhem and other disasters are not created by a giant evil machine bufe fueled by gay sex and abortions.
These fucktarded Republicans are just too much. The way they’re DETERMINED to falunt their political incorrectness. Michelle Obama pushes healthy foods, so Sarah Palin shows up with junk food for elementary school kids. Chick-fil-A’s CEO reveals the company to be hopelessly out-of-step, so Huckabee celebrates it. Maybe they should nominate that psycho Colorado movie theater shooter for Veep. After all, he’s a big believer in the Second Amendment.
Jul 24, 2012 at 5:03 pm · @Reply ·
Being bufe black, left-handed bufe or being gay is just as natural. It is a sometimes rare occurrence to fall in Love and to hold that person in your heart and be loved in return … it is something that should be celebrated! If it s between two guys or two girls — all the better. It takes even more courage to defend that LOVE!
The evil writings in Leviticus 18:22 against gays depict: P priestly rules & expanded by the pope; homophobes and religious frauds to attack bufe the gay community bufe and never meant to apply to the public — bufe but to priests. Leviticus was written long after Moses — bufe 600BC.
There is no scientific evidence to prove any of the cross related bogus elements of christianity and other religions. Our early human ancestors; on this earth go back more than 6 million years 5,996,000 years before the Greeks, Romans bufe and the Jews. Christianity is basically a 2012 year old fictional cult. In the year 300 AD when Emperor Constantine, who to some was the first pope; went on to fabricate & market bufe Christianity!
It is written; so therefore it shall be? We are the chosen people? Such a wicked fantasy. To see the religious lunatics manipulate government and our lives is shameful. Christianity bufe is a fantasy; which turned out to be one of the most hateful & evil concoctions ever perpetrated on the world.
While bufe Chik-Fil-A’s bigotry has always be

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