Thursday, September 4, 2014

While the man, with a long paddle slowly pushes toojays menu the boat in the reeds sprouting from t

Hana is in the tepee and thinks. The clan has asked her to prepare some food for the upcoming holiday special and the men are away. The women do not hunt, at least in his tribe, so he must invent something with what other squaw can help you collect. And I do not want to look bad. The festival is an important social event: toojays menu each moon the tribe of Hana organizes a clambake, which was initially the name of the long hole dug in the ground, filled with hot stones, toojays menu then wet algae on which was laid the food, which in turn covered with skins because cuocesse steam. The tribe every time gathers around the grave, toojays menu singing, smoking and telling the stories of their ancestors, until the food is ready and you share in joyful harmony. toojays menu Over time, the meaning of the word clambake has been extended to indicate a "gathering of friends around food," toojays menu (a little 'as what in other times will be called barbecue ...). And a banquet among friendly tribes is exactly what will take place shortly in the open space between the central tepee village of Hana, in the last quarter toojays menu of what some call the month of May but due to the tribes of the Native is "the moon where horses lose their hair. " This time the rally will arrive toojays menu monthly for the clambake representatives toojays menu of tribes from all corners of the world, including two noble narrators of legends and traditions of the clan of Liguria Tourist Menu and creative shaman de cuisine of the Veneto QB, who together wanted to give a curious toojays menu name to this special meeting between friends, MT Challenge in May, and a theme on ingredients: cereals, beans, bacon and emotions ... Hana is relieved because it is not impossible ingredients: certainly in his tribe abounds with Manomin , the "good berry", ie the wild rice that grows in the lake near the camp. And I'm also reached maturity those beautiful puffy pods of broad beans which, on the advice of the wise Medicine Man, the clan has planted for some time because it avviticchiassero on the stems of corn, allowing the tribe a double crop on one field ... Of sure, then, Hana can flavor it all with a pinch of pennican, the meat of bison that the tribe after the last hunt has reduced striped, sun-dried and pulverized to be able to easily save, then if necessary sciogliendola in cherry juice. Initially Hana thinks of a simple soup of beans, a bit 'like this; but then decides that, knowing the guests as well as connoisseurs toojays menu and gourmets prefer the rice is star of the evening, because its fragrant aroma and its substantial yield can satisfy every palate and stomach. So called friend Ayocher and her husband, who is not hunting with the other men because wounded in the foot, and together they put the canoe in the water: to collect the seeds of Manomin must be at least two, but three is also better, especially if the paddler is brawny and muscular!
While the man, with a long paddle slowly pushes toojays menu the boat in the reeds sprouting from the water, the canoe squaw bend over the tops of rice plants with the help of a couple of sticks of cedar, then beat on the ears for harvest the seed at the bottom of the boat. Fatigue is a huge but yet so special is right that the tribe offers the best of what we know to produce or obtain in collaboration with nature. Yeah, as if nature was something different from us ... Hana and Ayocer exchange looks, they smile and without any other begin to sing at the same time an old traditional song: I am the earth, my eyes are the sky, my limbs are trees. I am the rock, the water depth. I'm not here to overwhelm, I'm not here to exploit nature. I have the same nature. Singing the pace slow and deep joins the man and after a while, as if by miracle, the canoe is full. They rushed back to shore, retire the boat on the beach, spilling the harvest on a blanket and let the rice dry in the sun. Meanwhile, go and get some rest ', with the same reason hummed under his breath, slowly, to feel better inside. Then go back to the rice with the help of other women toasting him up to take him to a nice brown color and winnow. Meanwhile, other squaw collect corn cobs and pods of beans ... and all are ready to prepare the banquet together. Manomin the main dish, of course. It 'so fragrant that I almost picked this one can also prepare muffins piki ... And then you can not miss the succotash, the t

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