Sunday, September 28, 2014

(C) persons who have prayed

Imam Baqer (AS): The best thing you love to tell you about the people say. : Hazrat Ayatollah Bahjat (ra): We have come up with the prices we live, not live at any price. : The Story of David Taee repent: for more see this site is better than Mozilla or Firefox bartending 101 and Chrome and like it. More than 140 Ethics is listed on the library website. You can send us your questions and answers receive a number of SMS 30001619. You can easily copy and read a good book from the library website. : Insert your question for you to answer in part be sent to you! You can enter comments bartending 101 or criticisms under everything! : Answers to your questions at the bank's questions look! : Your submitted articles are listed there.
The text of the Book of Common heart I will quote you: "" milk and honey to the Messenger of Allah that he did not wish to humbly Hzvz carnal animal Vlzat However, if the vehicle is not lawful Vasraf Vmbah is the humility and risk of fracture reduce Qhra but so that often cause the surplus rose strongly wanted to be cute and fully servant who has lost the highest officials of the prophets is that religion is big fun and easy to find Vlzthay animal and prosperity to material types and clothing, housing feeding stuffs bartending 101 hard avoided As a humble servant of God, lest they fall for that "" I am particularly fond of some foods, bartending 101 such as sweets or drinking milk with honey and ... I have the blessing of God is so I have that I independence for I believe that however great their religion was forbidden from eating delicious foods to avoid flooding the soul, I wish to God I should avoid those foods that I enjoy eating?
Turns out that is not needed! As the text states "... the vehicle Vmbah Hzvz carnal animal Vlzat is" Infallible PBUH avoided if it were not for that offense Vgnah such cases is not forbidden, the perpetration of these items is not acceptable to them because they are properties of the self-Vchnyn cases, have been getting! bartending 101 Vhlal of forbidden pleasure, we note the following:
The desire for pleasure seeking, in the human body and, in many cases, bartending 101 the direction of human activities on the basis of "fun" is based. In this regard it should be noted that pleasure could be lawful and legitimate aspect, and the aspect of ill-gotten. Since most guilty pleasures are forbidden to be done to reach the other side, there are two versions of the same vehicle without knowledge of the fun look at:
- Quote Nabi SAW ME Alsvm A. La Faye Winter Alghnymh Albardh or Ynbghy Llaql having Ykvn Zana except per DTP restoration Lmash fi sh Tzvd Lmad enjoy her non-confidential (I Layhzrh Alfqyh 4356)
Prophet sawa said Ghnmyty a cool winter day, or AA: not deserve to non-believers in the bustling three categories: Life Improvement or Repair, or cluster for the next Chinese or other unlawful delight
- Imam Sadiq said: (al-Kafi 5 87) is written in the wisdom of Al D. sane Muslim should be seen in one of three modes: either engaged in reform and improve your life, or the equivalent in spikes, Chinese, or she is not forbidden bartending 101 pleasure bartending 101 that Muslims are wise and worthy of their time to the affairs of the gods themselves Vsaty brothers to meet together in the Hereafter talk .saty for pleasure that are not forbidden on the Vbdanyd the pleasures lawful basis for the relationship with God and our brothers and friends bartending 101 provide
- One of the most honorable men that were asked, the mystic, man, how much is appropriate solvent is bounties? Does not born infected with leishmaniasis, to find spiritual growth should not neglect their worldly pleasures Knarbgzard legit? The answer is that from the perspective of true mystics:
1 in the world and worldly blessings in itself is not bad, but if neglected the human person and then give them the authenticity of dislocations is human, and if you are on the path to excellence and spiritual growth really nice to take.
(2) The human body, consisting of soul and body, so that the things necessary to survive and to be doing is pious and spiritual body and his soul shall be dealt with as a horseman at the same time it should contain and train your horse to take him to the urgent needs of your compound can be combined to provide the required operating direction, but must be careful that ink does not avarice breathless manner behavior that does not lose control and breath control, and so intractable that wherever requested him to bring the man to be Asyrnfssh.
3 human breath, fatigue and depression naturally because there is a need to rest and joy. The teachings of religious leaders have also been a part of their daily hours of work so you can pay attention to the pleasures of your vehicle later seriously NESHAT continue. However, based on your personal tastes tend fun and pleasures of various solvents. For the enjoyment bartending 101 of watching football. Some of them like to play football. Some prefer to have the park to go ....
(C) persons who have prayed

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