Panevezys -4
For an unknown reason, upper crust okc the majority of Lithuanian upper crust okc Turkey is associated with spas nutvieskiančia sunshine, the sea, a warm tea, and intrusive locals (by the way, only men). The question is: why? Maybe because in most cases there supposedly bound for rest and see only a tiny fraction of this vast country and cultural differences.
I am convinced that I am very fortunate to have had to spend eight months in the small town of Kutahya (by population Shoo equated upper crust okc to Kaunas) and see all the real Turkish life from the inside, that is, completely different than we are accustomed to see - without the sun throughout the year, in addition to the sea, but with other cultural "seasoned." upper crust okc
When you look at things a little differently from own - Lithuanian - plane, everything seems so strange, incomprehensible until nepripranti. When you travel upper crust okc so you miss the erratic climate, staring you in the eyes of strangers, meditative local streets, cafes, some kebab flavor, women with a scarf or just people smiles, happy life, courtesy of attention (it does not matter, and that he often exaggerated) and other details.
The education system in Turkey developed, however, seems not to end. University level can vary by several times, depending on the city, funding and other things, so it is worth before going to check into it. I had to visit one of the poorer universities (at least as I call it, although I have heard a lot of local support of this opinion - there is almost everyone can join), located almost in the middle of Turkey. Study quality left somewhat ambiguous upper crust okc impression.
I was lucky in part, because it was not a study, but leave year (what I wanted). Lithuania Lithuanian studying philology, she left I studied English language and literature, so most of the teachers were very accommodating. It is not far from everywhere, mostly from students is required upper crust okc just as much as by local, upper crust okc sometimes even more. This year the situation has changed as much as I would like to give and a different view.
Ruth, the last year studied in this University, says that the studio is not something exceptionally good or bad, compared to Vilnius Pedagogical University upper crust okc (VPU). And Turkey, Lithuania and teachers are faced with the same problems upper crust okc - lack of technology. "
Work normally takes place in the classroom, some teachers sometimes use visual aids, but in most cases there is a discussion upper crust okc or lecture the lecturer of the information provided by note taking.
Useful and interesting fact that some 50 percent of the points in class consists of individual student work - presentation of the chosen subject, ie, 10 to 15 minutes before speaking audience (Simulation delivering lectures helping the teacher).
It is also unusual for us as far as the fact that the examination session lasts only a week, which means that the student must hold 6 or even 8 exams in five days. It looks a little terror, but useful, because it promotes attending lectures and work during the semester. Personal archive. / Life in Turkey
Literary upper crust okc studies such as busy as in Lithuania. Here you need to read the alien - English - language range of world literature. Also had to study history. Some teachers before asking homework upper crust okc managed so intrigued upper crust okc and motivated to learn or collect material. For example, one teacher constantly gave different "keywords", and our task was using any material, understand, explain and be prepared to deliver a lecture at the time "- Ruth language.
It was interesting to find out what it is about my actual - Local - students. I have had discussions with several people about the education system (, University of) the problems in Turkey. Unfortunately, we could not find one who would be satisfied with the current situation. Perhaps the main problem. Which they call - examination rules.
As already mentioned, the session is going on there for one week, during which the student must maintain a 4-8 exams (sometimes several in one day). According to one student, it makes the learning upper crust okc process very complicated, despite the fact that during the semester studied intensively during the day very well to keep a few things different upper crust okc profile, I think it would be difficult for any protinguoliui.
As well as students guodžiasi the fact that teachers are often not sufficiently upper crust okc or at all, does not explain how to properly prepare for the future settlement. The problem with this and I had to face, because some of the teachers, ask about the topics to accomplish the examination, particularly reluctant explained just said "learn and retain."
It is often faced with the problem is that young people are not focused on gaining practical knowledge and information in a love heart, who, no doubt, do not bring significant benefits. Recently, Turkish universities struck another very significant problem, ie, examination, settlement upper crust okc responses theft. Students suinterestuoti get the best possible assessment, come up with a variety of ways to "cheat" upper crust okc ele
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