Skopje 2014 - mission to change history through sculptures | Reso
Families with classic dress according to the column
"Strange Mission to Skopje changed history through sculpture" is the title of the article recently published dcu center worcester in the American magazine Atlantic City, an article dcu center worcester questioning the rise of the Macedonian dcu center worcester government dcu center worcester project to create a story here is not. This article begins with the sentence "The explosion of new facilities under regjisurën Macedonian government in Skopje's center known as` project dcu center worcester `Skopje 2014 is quite aggressive ..."
According to the author, it is problematic that only 64 percent of Macedonia is Macedonian dcu center worcester ethnically and linguistically, dcu center worcester but in the center of Skopje government is reportedly dcu center worcester trying to revive the history that has happened in this country, starting from different historical periods, when there was no language and identity created in the late 19th century.
I know some purpose to prevail than if merekullueshme dcu center worcester statues, somewhat different from these shmturinat you through Tr apple, banana, cucumber these tones for 100 vjetor.Flliqen induction with the statue busts without any aesthetic value.
Mongolians dolls look like the puppet theater or made with plasticine. and the Chinese now have the Europeanized taste. make art with PERMARIN that these meqedonet. so sorry for them, but will bugger lying to them, at least in terms of artistic taste.
Ehhh do not dot all the monuments as shoe boxes for the annual State 100. Mean from the way, are there any Noli sculpture, Faik Konica, Fishta, or Koliqi we Shqypni? Are not tell the sander Prosi or Onufri.
FS - 15 August 2013 - 13:59 Permalink
Shift less kte with CICA that has bo-century Italian yesterday. In today's century goes independent Albanian and his hushed lyn red and yellow seat. Luckily you do not have bo with lipstick. dcu center worcester
My profile-- 15 August 2013 - 15:33 Permalink
Hunter - 15 August 2013 - 15:09 Permalink
have not talked occasionally after Greek Macedonians. Alexander the Greek speaking badly by biographers, this indicates dcu center worcester that the mother had another language. Let us not forget dcu center worcester that at that time the Greek language was sitting alone at the time. as was made and later Latin, cultural power of Rome had. but at the time of Romanticism frengjshtja, where in Russia, all the lost areas, people speak only French culture with each other. (I can claim to all not only speak French and I were?)
o Hunter o huntur!!!!! Greek is like an hour and you quack us. Greek lying to you too? Macedonians did not speak Greek, and Alexander's dcu center worcester had to learn Greek and barbarian said. Greeks in Macedonia dcu center worcester requires c'greqishte????
See Hunter,'' it arqea'','' ie'' ancient Greek, is subject to Greek schools that starts, we do not disappoint, from 5th grade up to mature .. is the state exam and is the most difficult subject .. Greek students have more difficulties to learn .. Greek student dcu center worcester asks if what he finds most difficult exams, 99% respond: classical Greek mathematics and''''. not enter the head at all!! Few are those who learn something ..
Ok, the old Greek and Macedonian have little to do with modern Greek, but ultimately it is the same linguistic branch. But Serbo-Croatian or Bulgarian Macedonia today, there is no connection.
Those 100 years there I saw, but did not avoid a'm assuming that there may be something approaching these sculptures Macedonian. dcu center worcester The beautiful sculptures have been through ram appeared Macedonian history. The problem dcu center worcester is that from 330 BC to 900 AD pass. Then from AD 900 to 1900 ions pass. Ie Macedonian people has some 2000 years historical sclerosis.
but not in terms of ancestors and salaries, but only ARTISTIC EXPRESSION. Mogul looks like art. North Koreans are much better, that it expects head karlliqe dcu center worcester party is made as these. at least soldier would do his like, not as monkey.
I seem to break with Skopje with all these statues, and not only so, but has put himself at a cost of 270 million euros. The world sees this as an experiment dinsey-land, similar to the Chinese when the pump copy of paris or las vegas, not as something authentic.
Also, very bad taste. Things unrelated to each other, the more exaggerated, dcu center worcester as the rap superstar's when using the diamond and gold teeth. It does not even compare to some of the statues in Albania, especially with my favorite, it's giant wingless. If anyone has the link, I Would appreciate it.
very ugly, as silly, to appear .. these singers remind dcu center worcester me of birth (Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, etc.) in the early 90s when took part for the first time in Eurovision festival dcu center worcester .. Well coming singer with model hair, glasses and even typical, à la John Lennon .. or rock bands that imitate'' etc.'' deep purple. that was the time we had left those 70-80 years ..
Families with classic dress according to the column
"Strange Mission to Skopje changed history through sculpture" is the title of the article recently published dcu center worcester in the American magazine Atlantic City, an article dcu center worcester questioning the rise of the Macedonian dcu center worcester government dcu center worcester project to create a story here is not. This article begins with the sentence "The explosion of new facilities under regjisurën Macedonian government in Skopje's center known as` project dcu center worcester `Skopje 2014 is quite aggressive ..."
According to the author, it is problematic that only 64 percent of Macedonia is Macedonian dcu center worcester ethnically and linguistically, dcu center worcester but in the center of Skopje government is reportedly dcu center worcester trying to revive the history that has happened in this country, starting from different historical periods, when there was no language and identity created in the late 19th century.
I know some purpose to prevail than if merekullueshme dcu center worcester statues, somewhat different from these shmturinat you through Tr apple, banana, cucumber these tones for 100 vjetor.Flliqen induction with the statue busts without any aesthetic value.
Mongolians dolls look like the puppet theater or made with plasticine. and the Chinese now have the Europeanized taste. make art with PERMARIN that these meqedonet. so sorry for them, but will bugger lying to them, at least in terms of artistic taste.
Ehhh do not dot all the monuments as shoe boxes for the annual State 100. Mean from the way, are there any Noli sculpture, Faik Konica, Fishta, or Koliqi we Shqypni? Are not tell the sander Prosi or Onufri.
FS - 15 August 2013 - 13:59 Permalink
Shift less kte with CICA that has bo-century Italian yesterday. In today's century goes independent Albanian and his hushed lyn red and yellow seat. Luckily you do not have bo with lipstick. dcu center worcester
My profile-- 15 August 2013 - 15:33 Permalink
Hunter - 15 August 2013 - 15:09 Permalink
have not talked occasionally after Greek Macedonians. Alexander the Greek speaking badly by biographers, this indicates dcu center worcester that the mother had another language. Let us not forget dcu center worcester that at that time the Greek language was sitting alone at the time. as was made and later Latin, cultural power of Rome had. but at the time of Romanticism frengjshtja, where in Russia, all the lost areas, people speak only French culture with each other. (I can claim to all not only speak French and I were?)
o Hunter o huntur!!!!! Greek is like an hour and you quack us. Greek lying to you too? Macedonians did not speak Greek, and Alexander's dcu center worcester had to learn Greek and barbarian said. Greeks in Macedonia dcu center worcester requires c'greqishte????
See Hunter,'' it arqea'','' ie'' ancient Greek, is subject to Greek schools that starts, we do not disappoint, from 5th grade up to mature .. is the state exam and is the most difficult subject .. Greek students have more difficulties to learn .. Greek student dcu center worcester asks if what he finds most difficult exams, 99% respond: classical Greek mathematics and''''. not enter the head at all!! Few are those who learn something ..
Ok, the old Greek and Macedonian have little to do with modern Greek, but ultimately it is the same linguistic branch. But Serbo-Croatian or Bulgarian Macedonia today, there is no connection.
Those 100 years there I saw, but did not avoid a'm assuming that there may be something approaching these sculptures Macedonian. dcu center worcester The beautiful sculptures have been through ram appeared Macedonian history. The problem dcu center worcester is that from 330 BC to 900 AD pass. Then from AD 900 to 1900 ions pass. Ie Macedonian people has some 2000 years historical sclerosis.
but not in terms of ancestors and salaries, but only ARTISTIC EXPRESSION. Mogul looks like art. North Koreans are much better, that it expects head karlliqe dcu center worcester party is made as these. at least soldier would do his like, not as monkey.
I seem to break with Skopje with all these statues, and not only so, but has put himself at a cost of 270 million euros. The world sees this as an experiment dinsey-land, similar to the Chinese when the pump copy of paris or las vegas, not as something authentic.
Also, very bad taste. Things unrelated to each other, the more exaggerated, dcu center worcester as the rap superstar's when using the diamond and gold teeth. It does not even compare to some of the statues in Albania, especially with my favorite, it's giant wingless. If anyone has the link, I Would appreciate it.
very ugly, as silly, to appear .. these singers remind dcu center worcester me of birth (Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, etc.) in the early 90s when took part for the first time in Eurovision festival dcu center worcester .. Well coming singer with model hair, glasses and even typical, à la John Lennon .. or rock bands that imitate'' etc.'' deep purple. that was the time we had left those 70-80 years ..
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